Thursday, August 24, 2006

Why It's My Favorite

Just read Jane Eyre again. (Long sigh.) It's not really the story at all that I love, though it's a great one; it's the thoughts that Jane has. She's so real. She is a flesh-and-blood Christian woman trying to make her way in the world. What's so novel about this novel is that Jane talks to God and thinks about God as a person, not an idea. Christianity for her is truly a relationship. Modern "Christian" romances throw this terminology around all over the place, talking about relationships with Jeus, etc., but for Jane to remember God when her life is falling apart, in such a personal way, is new for the 19th century. Bronte did it much better than Oake, et. al. do.

I've gotta run -- wanted to say more, but don't have time. This is why my blogs are so few and far between (5 kids will do that to a woman).

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